Thursday, December 18, 2008

Obama Mania

The liberal left world constantly attacks the evangelical Christian world on religious issues. The barrage never stops and they pursue it on the notion that they by contrast are rational, balanced and not fundamental. All this changed when Barrack Obama arrived on the scene. Suddenly their enthusiasm for his presidential aspirations turned quickly into a religious fervor of a type that one will not see in an evangelical gathering. His Democratic Conference organizers read this “heated fervor” and turned their conference facility into a Greek temple so that he could take his place amongst the pantheon!

Who can forget the scenes of adulation characterized by screaming, tears, outstretched arms and mass hysteria. Some people in these vast crowds even claimed to have been healed as they listened to Obama. This was no doubt psycho somatic! The media has also entered this arena as they have printed stories and editorials speaking of Obama in messianic terms. He will save the world and to be honest he claimed that he would! The French Foreign Minister recently called him the President of the world as have other politicians. Everywhere he is being spoken of as a savior, messiah and deliverer but is this true and what does all this say about the world in which we live?

First of all it says that the irreligious world is more desperate and void of answers than they are about to let on. Their constant attack against the evangelical world is thus in reality hypocritical and a commentary on their own notion of hopelessness. They don’t have the answers and thus resist those who demonstrate a peace that says that they do. How else does one understand the vicious attacks against Sarah Palin? She was mocked for belonging to the Assemblies of God, for being a women of prayer, for opposing abortion and for asserting God’s sovereignty over the affairs of nations. The British based Sky Television network actually showed a video of her being prayed for by her Pastor and stated that this made her controversial!

Secondly it demonstrates the age old problem of humanity. That is, we want a savior without the responsibility of a changed life. The biblical notion of the fall and thus of sin is scoffed at today. The world is looking for a messiah who will deliver it and justify it, while at the same time, allowing it to be in rebellion against a biblical standard of righteousness.

And thirdly it is a commentary on how far so called Western nations have departed from the Judeo/Christian values that made them great and civilized their societies. We have turned our backs in the western world on our own foundations, history and culture. These have produced the soul of nations and thus guaranteed our culture of life and freedom. A body without a soul is dead and thus a people that forget God will in the end devalue human life.

To be sure Barrack Obama is no savior, messiah or deliverer and he will not change the world. He is just a man and I think that he knows this full well. As President elect of a great nation he needs our prayers and we do hope that he will lead his nation into better days. Above all he does represent a nation that has the capacity to change and thus, by his election, has the capacity to forever put to rest the charge of racism against it. We salute his remarkable achievement while all the time knowing that the God of the Bible put him there.

The Case for Christian Zionism

A. A definition of the term

Christian Zionism is the belief that the Abrahamic Covenant is as applicable and efficacious, in all aspects today, as it was 4000 years ago and has never in full or in part been abolished.

It follows:
1. That Israel’s modern day restoration is living evidence of God’s faithfulness to this covenant and is not a political accident of history. (Genesis17:7-8)

2. That Christians are therefore obligated to bless, support and pray for that which God, by His promise to Abraham, has done in the restoration of Israel. (Genesis12:1-3; Psalm 122:6)

3. That Israel’s position before God as a chosen people has not changed. This election is understood in the context of role and not specialness! She is the “vehicle of world redemption” and mediator of all of God’s covenants. ( Romans3:1-2; Romans9:1-5; John4:22)

4. That Israel’s possession of the land of Canaan is unconditional but her domicile upon it is conditional. That is, regulated by her reconciled relationship with her God (Jeremiah25:3-11) and her just treatment of the stranger in her midst. (Deutoromy10:17-19)

B. The nature of the Abrahamic Covenant (Genesis12:1-3)

Is the following:
1. It calls into existence the nation of Israel. (V1-2)

2. It initiates a programme of world redemption. (v3)

3. It bequeaths land to Abraham and his seed forever. (v1)……..and,

4. It issues a warning to those who would in any way resist this initiative and a blessing to those who support it. (v3)

C. The conflict over this Covenant

Antagonists to the position just stated have to prove their thesis by attacking the on going validity of the Abrahamic Covenant. These people are “Replacement thinkers / Theologians” or “Fulfillment Thinkers”. They deny the on-going chosenness of Israel and therefore deny the divine right that Jews have to possess the land of Canaan. Since the coming of Jesus 2000 years ago the Jews no longer have a divine right to Canaan. Their only hope and future is in Christ. The restoration of the Jews to Palestine/Canaan in our day is nothing more than a political coincidence! For many of them it is a miracle but an immoral one, as one of their own put it years ago.

To maintain this position they have to:

1. Abolish the Abrahamic Covenant……….or,

2. Reconstruct the Abrahamic Covenant

Given the abundant biblical references to the Abrahamic Covenant in the New Testament the first option is well nigh impossible so most Replacement Thinkers are “reconstructionists”. That is, they hold fast to that part of the Abrahamic Covenant that foresees the blessing of salvation coming upon all peoples but, they deny that part that promises everlasting possession of the land to Abraham and his children. All is fulfilled in Jesus! Now all that matters is preaching the Gospel to Jew and Gentile alike and getting involved in the Israeli/Palestinian conflict is a “sideshow” and distraction and stumbling block to peace in the region.

Some of this sounds very Bible based and plausible but is it true? The short answer is no! The long answer is the following:

1. A point of clarification

The scriptures clearly affirm that Jews and Gentiles are only saved through faith in the finished work of Jesus on the cross. Jewish possession of the land of Canaan does not change this in any way. The return of the Jews is for the reason of furthering the redemptive purpose of God for all nations. It has no salvation merit! (All of Israel’s returns to the land of Canaan throughout history have furthered the divine redemptive global plan) However, scripture does foresee a great outpouring of the Spirit in Israel that will lead to a national spiritual recovery. (Zechariah12:10-14; Romans11:25-26)

2. A point of contradiction

To hold the Replacement Theological position one has to not only reconstruct the Abrahamic Covenant but also scripture. That is, biblical passages that clearly speak of a future physical return of the Jews to Canaan have to be reinterpreted. In all cases where this is done the context is violated and totally ignored and indeed distorted. (Isaiah2:1-5; Amos 9:14-15; Acts1:6-8) This bizarre method of interpretation, known as the allegorical method of exposition, violates every principle of biblical exposition and contradicts that simple and plain meaning of the text. It thus not only disinvests Jews of their possession of Canaan but it also disinvests scripture of its authority. It also disconnects the Church from supporting and blessing God’s purpose for the world! This constitutes the ultimate contradiction.

3. A point of truth

(i) The scriptures nowhere speak of a reconstructed Abrahamic Covenant. This is a complete presumption and fabrication

(ii) The replacement or reconstructionist position in essence lays an accusation of lying against God. ( Numbers23:19) Moreover the book of Romans affirms that the unique and divine calling over Israel has never been revoked (Romans11:29)

(iii) The New Covenant scriptures everywhere affirm the full power and validity of the Abrahamic Covenant. Even going so far as to state that it cannot be annulled (Luke1:54-55;72-75; Acts3:25-26; Galatians3:7-8;13-14;29; Hebrews6:13-20)

(iv) The passage of Galatians 3:15-18 referring to the “seed” Christ is not in any way an argument in support of reconstructionism. Rather Paul is establishing the fact that salvation is by faith alone in Christ’s finished work on the cross and not by works of the law

(v) Jesus clearly affirmed the Abrahamic Covenant by speaking about the return of the Jews to Jerusalem from exile and by promising a Davidic Kingdom, to be established in the Father’s time or season, reigning from Jerusalem (Luke21:24; Acts1:6-8)

(vi) The Abrahamic Covenant, without alteration, is held up to New Testament believers as an example, in fact the great example, of God’s faithfulness to His word and promises. (Hebrews 6:13-20) This is why New Covenant believers can fully trust God to save them. In short He doesn’t lie! Apparently for reconstructionists and replacement thinkers He does! It must be remembered that the only scriptures the first century Christians had were the Old Testament ones. Meaning that they were not subject to the “clever twisting” of the New Testament scriptures as done by modern theologians.

4. A point of concern

The modern day Christian Zionist movement must mature and self regulate itself. By this I mean that we cannot abide “Israel Crazies” who are weak theologically and cause more division and confusion in the local church than a blessing. The movement must grow up and stand for the following:

(i) Total focus upon Jesus who must be Lord of our lives

(ii) Total focus upon the implications of His finished work on the cross that cannot be added to or subtracted from. We are not required by scripture to observe days, feasts, Sabbaths and eat kosher foods (Colossians2:160-17)

(iii) Total commitment to all the programs of the local church that remains the central focus of God’s work on earth regardless of its many imperfections (Acts2:42; Hebrews10:13-17;24-27)

(iv) Total focus upon the compassion and love of Jesus when dealing with those who don’t see things our way. They are not of the devil!

(v) Total commitment to all that God is doing in Israel. Knowing that, in His time and season, the restoration of Israel will usher in a new age of Messianic peace and glory for the whole world

(vi) Total commitment to all peoples of the Middle East region who are equally loved by God (John3:16)

(vii) Total appreciation of the biblical call to champion issues of justice and righteousness not only in Israel but in all parts of the world (Isaiah58:6-8; Micah6:18)

(viii) Total understanding that our support of Israel should not be politicized and thus champion the policy of any political group or party. God watches over Israel day and night and not us! (Psalm121:4) We are called to bless and comfort Israel (Isaiah40:1-2)